
Download free ultimate admirals
Download free ultimate admirals

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Also boosts engine repair, and gives you horsepower per engine ton.

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(1) Engines (reducing smoke interference, engine damage chance, and fuel stowage/range weight. Given that cash can be edited though CE or save file, they're also practically cheats. There are a few that boost costs in return. Boosting these techs sufficiently is practically cheating as it means you can pump monster ships near instantly (I was building 130k Super Battleships in 5 months with just a 100 in all these techs) These are: (1) Boilers (reducing Boiler weight, fuel stowage/range weight, and smoke interference), (2) Hull Strengthening (reducing Hull weight, and boosting Hull Form, Resistance, Stability, and Floatability), (3) Hull Construction (reducing Hull weight and ship construction time, but beware that you'll be paying a much higher cost per month!), (4) Control Station (boosting accuracies, and reducing weather penalties), (5) Internals Protection (reducing Flash Fire, and boosting repairs), (5) Torpedo Propulsion (boosting Torpedo range, speed, accuracy, & stealth. There are a few with all-positives, and you should have no reason to not push them as far as you want. These are stored in "techLevel", BUT are overwritten by the Index number of the repeatable tech you're currently researching. Most areas are then capped by a repeatable tech that you can presumably boost as far as you want (I've pumped them up to a hundred, but not really stress tested these for weirdness). Given how the tech system is set up, you have the actual 'techs' that people who have played the earlier versions know.

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Most techs also have an "index" value associated with them, which doesn't matter except for the repeatable techs. Bumping these to 10000 was giving me a new tech each turn. I assume you can edit these through CE somehow.

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If someone ever gets around to actually creating a tech cheat, there are handy "techMods" values in the save file for each tech area which affects your tech research speed. It's a simple text file at LocalLow\GameLabs\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\save_0.json So, actually, tech (and by extension, some "cheats") are actually pretty each.

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